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Suggestions for search

In its simplest way,the search allows you to find a word or a phrase. With the following suggestions you can obtain the best results.

  • Word search with the same prefix. For example enter for* for searching forest, forestry, forested and others.

  • Search of all word forms.
    For example ,enter take** for searching take, taking.

  • Searching using NEAR, instead of AND, for one word near to another.
    For example , if you enter, soil and rain as soil near rain, the words soil and rain are searched in the same page. But with NEAR, pages found were ordered according to the two words a la proximity.

  • Refine your search with AND NOT to exclude certain texts.
    For example,if you want to find all the species of oak but not the American write as follows:

    oak AND NOT American

  • AddOR to find a word or another.
    For example, write: :

    birch OR acacia

    All the pages mentioning birch or acacia or both are found.

  • Add quotation marks if you want to find a phrase literally.
    For example, write:

    "atlantic cedar "

    The complete phrase atlantic cedar will be searched . But if you write the same phrase without quotation marks:

    atlantic cedar

    All the documents with words cedars and atlantic.

Note: You can use this indistinctly:


Instead of



Instead of


y no

Instead of

and not


Instead of


04/03/2014 05:35:45 p.m.

Rama Forestry Project - Estancia Rama - Provincial Route 9 Km. 72 - Valle of Pancanta - (5701) San Luis - Argentina / TE: +54 2652 447480 / +54 2652 452000 ext 4308