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   General Aim Plantation Oxigene Planted Forestry  Legal Aspect  Species   

Areas by species

Values in hectares:

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Total
Valle de Pancanta              
Birch 1.8 1.80
Locust tree 4.00 1.06 5.06
Poplar 4.00 4.00
Larch 0.25 0.25
Acer 0.26 0.26
Cedar 0.81 0.75 1.56
Cherry 1.78 1.22 1.30 4.30
Cypress 6.00 8.66 14.66
Pine and cypress 46.80 160.09 20.17 27.00 254.06
Ash 3.72 16.12 19.84
Beech 5.50 5.50
Sweet gum 2,33 2,33
Walnut 3.30 14.11 17.41
Ponderosa 41.09 174.65 86.58 95.00 397.32
Oak 26.50 3.55 1.35 24.15 25.60 81.15
Willow 1.53 1.53
Sequoia 0.95 0.95
Total Pancanta 96.10 238.60 217.65 112.02 147,60 811.98
Cerrito del Medio              
Walnut 1.89 1.89
Oak 10.23 10.23
Total Cerrito del medio 12.12 12.12
Poplar 15.00 15.00
Ponderosa 65.00 65.00
Oak 15.00 15.00
Total Carolina 95.00
Total General 96.10 238.60 229.77.89 112.02 147.60 95.00 919.10

04/03/2014 05:35:37 p.m.

Rama Forestry Project - Estancia Rama - Provincial Route 9 Km. 72 - Valle of Pancanta - (5701) San Luis - Argentina / TE: +54 2652 447480 / +54 2652 452000 ext 4308